Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I was at the Natural Ice Cream shop ("Ice Cream of Juhu Scheme") at 12th Main in Indiranagar yesterday and it triggered this blog post. Natural is a popular chain in Mumbai and now expanding. www.naturalicecreams.in . They specializes in fruit-based ice-cream and minimize artificial ingredients. The founder R.S.Kamath is kinda obsessed with ice cream and spends all his time trying new creations especially rooted in the Indian experience (prasadam ice-cream anyone? Sounds gross to me frankly. You can overdo the experimentation). Nevertheless, he sounds like a nice guy with all that is good in the entrepreneurial spirit.

The point of this post though is that before Natural there was a Baskin Robbins at that location which shut down. Natural started off in the same place and seems to be doing well. I like the symbolism in that. With globalisation, we shouldn't have to settle for what Baskin Robbins represents - clean, consistent, ubiquitous, with the strength of big capital behind it. We want the best of that along with the innovativeness, energy, fun and local-ness of a Naturals. Amen to that.

Natural is active on Twitter @naturalicecream if you want to follow them

PS: I like the tropical fruit flavours - jackfruit, sapota, sitaphal. But then, I just like those fruit in the first place