Friday, August 05, 2016

On traffic

It has been good coming back to India after a year's gap and looking at the same everyday things with fresh eyes. In particular, this time around, I am looking at things from the point of view of finding something for myself to do.

Today's observation in this regard: I dived into peak hour Bangalore traffic (Cowtown and Indirangar).  Looking at the traffic policeman : who could possibly be motivated to do this job well? You see hordes of people in their swanky A/C cars honking impatiently and you are there in terrible working conditions all day and supposed to make their lives better. Is it surprising that they do a lot of extortion ? Actually, it should be the other way around. We should be liberally tipping them whenever we get a chance, passing by. That would motivate them to stick around at their jobs and do as good a job as they could. This idea could be thought through and pursued more seriously. It is a kind of reverse bribery, but it seems appropriate for India. Its a way of distributing private sector wealth a little more equitably, resulting in better services, without compromising on ethics 

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