Beard: I gave up on the idea of doing a series of photos on the progression of the beard, as nothing interesting came out of it. Here's how I look currently. It looks even better in full size image :-)
Composting: (Previous posts here and here)
Composting is proving to be a little bit dicey as expected. Overall its been going quite good. Its amusing to see how, even as we keep adding more and more garbage, the pot never quite fills up because the garbage keeps reducing in size as it loses moisture. A variation of the kamadhenu concept :-). There is hardly any smell if the pot is closed and just a little if it is open, so that is a big relief. However we do have a lot of small black flies which irritate Priya. And we have started getting maggots! This is an expected feature of composting, but its horrifyingly fascinating to see them in practice. They are approx. 5mm long, white, caterpillar-like thingies that crawl around the compost supposedly helping the composting process. We knew (and also found out the gross way) that they love moisture. So what has happened is that in portions of the compost where there is a lot of moisture, you'll find like 10 of these things all wallowing over each other. I wasn't able to get a good photo of them, but didn't try too hard :-)
The first photo shows the current state of the compost. Since its been almost 3 weeks, I decided to start using the next pot for fresh waste. Though the first pot is not full, I thought it would be better not to mix fresh waste and partially decayed compost.
Shvoong: Long ago I had written about writing reviews for money at I did write 5 reviews and quite enjoyed it. However the money was so pathetic that I'm giving up. Chapter closed.
We're off to Hyd today.
That photo is actually pretty good :-). Banu may have hit on something there; the beard does take our focus away from the receding hairline and all...
One thing I noticed in your other pics too is that, your two eyes are focused differently and looks like you need to wear glasses. Your eyes look like in Seshu's pics when he is not wearing his glasses. I hope that makes sense.
I'm quite mystified by your comment about eyes being focused differently. I've never noticed or had my attention drawn to any such thing. Perhaps Banu will have something to say.
Why the ouch? That was meant to be a compliment, really.
I'm quite surprised you don't get the non-focussed look I'm talking about. It is there in your initial beard pictures too. Do check with Banu. Otherwise, I will find a better way to make you understand later. Or maybe someone else who noticed the same can explain better.
Off to bed now. Look for a gazillion hits from Houston in tomorrow's update :-)
118 hits yesterday, probably evenly distributed between you and me.
But ad clicks ?! Where are the ad-clicks ?!
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