Thursday, March 27, 2008

A little more on Coorg: The cluster of tiled roof buildings photo below particularly struck me and it came out well. This was part of a fort. Its currently a prison.

Can you see two different animals in the sculpture (frieze?) above ?

The other picture is of our hosts at the homestay, Mr and Mrs Pran Ponappa, very friendly and pleasant.

We were at the Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Bylakuppe at the time when a large hall of monks were doing chanting. It was pretty cool. I got a video showing the monks, but without audio. The monastery had all these monks quite happy and well-fed looking, who spend their lives, from our limited half hour worth of understanding, chanting, studying the scriptures, meditating and so on. I don't think they earn a living, looked like they get their funds from outside. It doesn't seem quite right..not what the Buddha intended ? On the other hand if people paid you to spend your time understanding the true nature of reality, well that's a good thing. I s'pose.

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