Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fakesteve needs help !!

and we need to stop the tarnishing of the Indian film industry's reputation.

Will the right person (I dunno.. haven't definitively identified the language myself) step up to clarify and translate:

Okay, some more: caution: video subtitles are pretty crude at places. The language is Tamil.
Trying to analyze why I found it so funny:
1.) its basically done very well, and the correspondence between the spoken and the written word work very well
2.) it satirises the song-n-dance of indian cinema which so needs satirising
3.) its in tamil which is icing on the cake -- les tamiliens tend to be a little chauvinistic about their language

There is apparently a cottage industry dedicated to doing this kind of translations and several of the comments and YouTube links give some of these.


Anonymous said...

Dude, cmon now. I dont think Tamils are chauvinistic about our language. We just happen to think Hindi is a language for the lower IQ types.



Anonymous said...

North of the Vindhyas are the regions collectively referred to as Chomland. There you will find India's Texans, Sooners, Alibamians, Georgians and other assorted rednecks and village people. Crowning all these oddities you will find the precious jewel that is New Delhi. And in that most vile of all places (death toe Delhi) Delhiites. Ah! Delhites resplendent in their chomness - shrill, vulgar, overweight, pungently reeking of paneer and onion, eagerly looking for the next mosque to destroy, the next riot to instigate, the next several children to produce, the next thousand rupees to grab or steal or rob or embezzle, the next customer to swindle, the next plate of rich food to sink their ugly fat faces into....
And you will find it all richly described, in that same shrill and pungent way, in that unrivaled whore of all languages, the spoken Hindi of Northern India.

Anonymous said...

Death to Delhi

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why Patro doesnt like Chomsky.


Anonymous said...

for the longest time i did not understand what the connection was.

getting older and stupider by the hour. #%$#&%&%^%^%#&^%*#&^#%*&^!!!