Monday, January 16, 2017

Coming clean

I molested a woman once. 

I did it when I was in college (in Chennai). I was travelling on a bus, a crowded public transport bus. I used my knee to brush the bottom of the lady sitting on the seat in front of me (the seats then were designed differently then, as two parts that had a gap between them). More than once. She rushed out precipitately at the next stop.

I was overcome by shame by the next day. I’ve regretted it deeply ever since. It must have ruined her day, and left its mark on her permanently. I wish I could do something about it. 

I did it as a act of hormone-fuelled bravado, telling myself that I saw some chemistry with her. Far from it. 

I’ve been reading the postings from the women’s groups in response to the Bangalore New Year Eve molestation incidents. And then remembered suddenly that I was (once) ‘that guy’. By writing about the incident, I hope to contribute in a small way to a honest dialogue.

To my women friends - I ask forgiveness for the incident. If you want to talk me to about it (berate, condemn, whatever), please do. It would be useful for me too. 

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