Sunday, April 12, 2009

A little fun with Vibhat

Vibhat (good friend) sent me mail after a long time. Mail thread went like this:

From: Vibhat Nair
Subject: What is your phone

I seem to be missing it. How is ptiya with her pregnancy?

From: Vijay Krishna
Subject: Re: What is your phone
My phone is a Nokia low ender, don't remember the model (I want to start a website . 'Ptiya' is doing fine !

More later,

Vijay Krishna

From: Vibhat Nair
Subject: Re:What is your phone

Dude: you are a true nerd. what is your phone no.?

From: Vibhat Nair
Subject: Re:What is your phone

And. Oh the sensitivity to typos. What will you do if you go an iPhone ?

From: Vijay Krishna
Subject: Re: What is your phone

What will I do if I go an iPhone ? Oh, I don't know, maybe I will teach it some english ?

Phone no is 98801 37097. Also Skype seems to work fine, I am x_vijay.
Good to hear from you, btw :-) and even better to rag you,

Vijay Krishna

I got the better of that exchange didn't I ?
Here's a contest, why don't you come up with *your* smartalecky response to Vibhat's mails, and we'll see who's wittier. If you insist (and yes, Arvind, we know you insist), you can take Vibhat's side instead and take potshots at me.

Ready steady go.

1 comment:

Arvind said...

On another topic.

Heres exhibit 1 for the idiots hall of fame:

Is Democracy a bad idea in a country like ours where we have too many idiots walking around with the right to vote?
