Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Bonheur show at the Lido in Paris

We saw so many gorgeous flowers and flowering plants all through the trip. It was like a wonderland. It was absurdly easy to take fantastic flower photographs. I'll try to show some of them through the remaining blog entries (Blogspot is not allowing me to upload photos right now).

One of the more interesting experiences of the trip was a dining/theater show at the Lido theater in Paris. This is quite a well-known place in the heart of the city on the Champs Elysees. We went in there for dinner (not so great frenchified version of Indian food), followed by the show. At the dinner we had an encounter with the classic rude French waiter, among other things he complained that someone was eating their samosa with their hand and not with the fork and knife :-). The hall was very grand with chandelairs (sp) and things, and the crowd was pretty upmarket though I think mostly tourists, since the show has been running for a long time. They had some audience dancing after dinner and then the show started.
We had been informed earlier that the show had some topless women but was not an obscene or a lewd show. That didn't quite prepare us for the extent of toplessness :-). However that was definitely not the focus of the show. It had a bunch of stuff going on. Basically it was a lot of dancing, in various settings. They had a lot of spectacle going on -- from airplanes coming down from top, fountains starting on stage, rain, circus acrobatics, ice-skating.. all sorts of stuff. The show was called the 'Bonheur' (happiness) show, and there was some silly spiel in the beginning to try to motivate it, but basically there wasn't any storyline or point. It was a lot of fun with a huge amount of energy. The songs were in French, English and German, a nice multi-culti mix. And there was a segment in Indian costume and a vaguely Indian dance style. Most of our group were completely entranced and it was one of the high points. Photography was prohibited inside, for obvious reasons :-)

Here's the website

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