Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Private" post - Priya

So for various reasons I find it very difficult occasionally to communicate with Priya on mundane things (chiefly because they are mundane things I suppose), and as we were having a minor argument about it yesterday, I realized that the perfect solution was to communicate through the blog :-). She's not very happy about the solution, but I'm hoping I have a captive audience with her on this.

So there may be an occasional 'private' post, which does not mean that it shouldn't be read by others, but that it will likely not make sense to others. If it piques your curiosity, ask, and you will (probably) be enlightened.

So Priya, the Ajit house thing -- They had signed up for a house with Adarsh builders but that layout didn't get BDA approval for a long time and the builder didn't start building because of that, so they got frustrated at the delay and started looking around and then bought the Purva Parkridge place instead (apparently they were the first to buy at Purva Parkridge). And 7 days later the BDA approval came through on the Adarsh place also. They still have that one too, they did not sell it. That's what happened.

More questions about anything at all ? I'm here to answer !!


Anonymous said...

OK Thats it. You need an intervention right now. However, I am trying to deal with Britney losing it, but you are next on my list.

Priya is absolutely right, if for entirely separate reasons.


Anonymous said...

funny pals.
i am really glad you like osamu tezuka. i am curious to know what you think at the end of 8 volumes. of gautama buddha, you've often said he was wrong. tezuka's buddha, i am sure, would readily agree with you. his life seems like a series of mistakes and miserable struggles. yet all that adds up to a glorious light.

there is a lot that can be said but maybe later. as you go along it may be interesting and useful to distinguish between the "true" legend and tezuka's manga embellishments.

Anonymous said...

You could have told me this information in the conversation in a couple of minutes. Instead you have taken all the trouble to blog it. Maybe today I have read your blog to see this answer but this is not going to help you to communicate better in the long run.

Anyway thanks for giving the information.

I will check out the Alice in Wanderland blog.


Anonymous said...

you go girl ^_^

Anonymous said...

Not one of your most brilliant ideas. When Banu does not show much interest in this blog in the first place, trying to communicate a private issue to her through this blog was out of line - IMO, unless I am missing something. If if you think writing it out may make things clearer than talking about it, wouldn't a written note to her alone have sufficed?

Anonymous said...

On second thoughts, we may not be interpreting this right and you might have an extremely logical reason for putting this in your blog.
May be you intended this to be a way for Banu to show more interest in your blog?

Anonymous said...


From the current direction that the blog is taking, you might have to start checking the blog to see
( d ) if despo thinks that whats cooking on the stove is burning or
( b ) if despo is in the bathroom and he wants to tell you that he wants a fresh towel
( c ) if he is really upset with you - he might encode the message, but still will be available to "answer all questions" for any one
or if
( d ) if there is a fire in the apartment and despo wants to call the fire service
( e ) if he wants to apologize to you for something

Why use a "Post it" when you can just post it?


VK said...

Yes Sajini, I intended this as a way to incentivise Priya to visit the blog. However in retrospect, this was indeed not one of my more brilliant ideas. I'll probably not push this much further.

Palls -- you know that when you laugh too much one day, you will cry the next day right ? Happy Monday to you then.

Anonymous said...


I seem to be unintentionally touching a raw nerve here.
I shall be mum on this topic.


VK said...

Dude - its all in good fun, I didn't take it seriously.
Have a good Sunday :-)

VK said...

But it was nice to catch you on the wrong foot for a change :-)

Arvind said...

I sent you a guest post. It has some of my favorite movies of this year and of all time.