Sunday, October 28, 2007

My water, your water

Our apartment complex has stopped water service between 1 and 4 in the afternoon and 12 and 5 at night to conserve water. It sucks and is very inconvenient. And I know from working on water that there are many more convenient and sensible solutions (RWH, recycling, metering and tariffing, personal consciousness and conservation) all of which are not so easy to implement in a community group like an apartment complex.

I do not appreciate the irony of running a website to help people with their water issues while not being able to fix mine.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. This is a great opportunity for you to

( a ) Understand the source of the resistance to RWH and other schemes in your complex
( b ) Write about it
( c ) Try proposing a solution

If you do a good job of (a) and (b) that itself would be great. ( C ) might be a little far fetched to aim for and is quite incidental to real understanding of the problem.



Anonymous said...

12 and 5 at night ? That should teach all those people with an urge for midnight showers.

VK said...

Sunil -- good point :-). I took a while to catch the sarcasm
