Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Finalized !

Countdown: 3 days

I talked to Mary at Timbaktu yesterday. We're going ahead with the idea of me working for them for some time. I will go there the coming Sunday or Tuesday and spend a few days initially there and take it from there.

So its decided. I am going to be spending a significant part of the next few months in the middle of nowhere with no heated water, limited phone, electricity and net connectivity. Its going to be bloody hot. And I have only a vague idea of what I intend to achieve there. So why ?!

Basically because my thing in life seems to be to stumble on new and interesting and important things, and I feel that I have to follow them up. What they do at a place like Timbaktu is so different from what 90% of us do, or care about, so I expect it to be very mind-broadening to spend some time with them.

It could be a difficult adjustment (I spent two days there earlier and ended up with tinnitus!).


Anonymous said...

good luck and best wishes.

Here's the stuff that I bought for you from the bloomingdale library.
( a ) John le carre novel - 50 c
( b ) 1984 - 50 c
( c ) Robert fulghum book - 1$
( d ) random mystery writer - 50 c.
two other books. All in all 4 $.

Nothing in your list there.


Anonymous said...

As the day draws nearer ..... Good luck from Seshu and me during this sabattical. Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for!!