Thursday, December 28, 2006

And in other updates

Today I met Sanjay Kadaveru, a senior from IITM Jamuna. He has been invovled with a lot of interesting groups -- TIE (a entrepreneur network), the Pan IIT group (rediff has a lot of articles on the meet). More recently he has gotten involved with a group that's trying to use Indian diaspora (mainly N.American) to strengthen engineering education in India. The last is of some interest to me as there may be a possibility to do a consulting gig of the sort that I'm doing now at Arghyam.

The next month and further out is a little busier than usual on the social front. For new years' there's a party that is held at the apartment complex (Most big apartment complexes do this). I *never* really have fun at New Years but well, ets give it one more shot. There's a dinner with my IITM branchies to meet up with a visiting branchie from the US. There's a marriage of Shankar's (another branchie) brother in late Jan. In Feb we have my cousin's family in town. My parents plan to visit in April/May.

I have a very strange cough currently. I don't feel very sick or unenergitic, but when I have a coughing fit, it feels like I'm coughing my heart out and I have a scary feeling like I can't breathe. I got some medication from a doc but it doesn't seem to be helping.

I get some funny comments on the blog occasionally. Check out this one, third one in the list, on the post "Coaching Rohit". Sometime back I got a pretty nasty but funny one which I deleted. It was on the other blog on this post, which I guess was a kinda vulnerable post. You'll have to read the post to understand the comment which was "Sure. Here's one. Shut yer yap". (Well, screw you, you anonymous pommie lout, go out a beat up a rival football fan now ! )


Anonymous said...

dude, this is a real link. and that stuff is from there.

VK said...

Dude -- way cool.
I have seen similiar stuff before, sites that depend on typos for their traffic ! BTW is also there and has the same content as does

Apologias for the earlier misunderstanding

Anonymous said...

As I remember it, The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night was a very moving book. The entire book rests on the authors fine ability to make us empathize with the many traumas of its relationship-challenged narrator who is innocent, brilliant, compassionate and autistic. It also is a deeply philosophical book at some level - it argues, although not explicitly, for a rational atheist world that is full of innocence and love. Any constructivist fiction that projects an ideal state for the world has almost no choice but to be optimistic and full of hope. And so is this book and its ending. However, it is a happy ending that is uncontrived and welcome.

I recommended this book to you once before, but clearly you take your blog more seriously. :)


VK said...

Okay. You are a very good boy and I sadly underestimate the value of your opinions and recommendations.

Thanks for looking at the portal, and more feedback is welcome.

Have a nice day and a nice year,