Saturday, March 11, 2006


A minor breakthrough -- after god knows how many years (atleast three), I did some cooking. Its been such a long while, I didn't feel up to recreating one of my old recipes so instead I asked Priya to give the orders and I just did the execution. Vankai pulusu and aritikai curry (an eggplant gravy dish and green-banana fry). Verdict: B+.


antonego said...

i generally like this new avatar of yours. and the cooking snaps kind of hit home.
will you write to me some time please? and please don't get all torn up about it.....
happy cooking!

VK said...

Ahhh .. what compels the lurker (nee professor) to finally step out of the shadows ? While you're lurking, make yourself useful, click some ads.
I just woke up my wife (its 11 in the night here) to tell her you wrote and her response was -- don't write to him, I'm scared you'll will have another fight.

antonego said...

let's call it randomness (i am not being tongue-in-cheek and i promise to clarify later, if there exists such later).
the scriptures say one should listen to one's wife. so you probably should. but listening to her need not mean you don't write to me. if you listen to her with care, presently, priya's pragmatism about patro's pugnacity will find its proper place.
is this blog the right place for this kind of personal tangent? or should we adjourn to a more private place? or am i pushing my luck? due regards to the shrimati.

VK said...

I think you should find a better half soon, it increases your patience in dealing with tough people.
