Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A funny thing happened ...

Okay there is this friend of mine. From IIT. He was a close friend and we had many ups and downs. He's highly moody and can be rude, hurtful and cruel. When I was getting married the following happened: he called me from the US and I teased him saying that I was taking a dowry. Just as a joke. He was scandalized about it. I left it hanging so that he was not sure whether I was lying or not. And then he wrote this absolutely terrible letter to a bunch of my friends, most of whom he did not know. Basically telling them all that I was taking a dowry and that it was a terrible thing to do, and stuff like that. It was a completely inappropriate, bizarre thing to do. I had to pick up the pieces and tell all these people that it was a horrible mistake. It felt terrible having such a thing happen during such an important occasion. I had a terrible time about it for a couple of days.
Time flows on, and the sharp edge of of hurt feeling gets blunted. He was after all a good friend, and in his mind he was doing a good thing. I suppose. I made an abortive attempt at getting in touch with him at one point.
And why do I say all this now ?
Because two and a half years after the incident he contacts me by a comment on this blog (you can look for it). I'm very happy to be reconciled. And I guess its because of this blog in some strange way.


antonego said...

Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Ok, if this is the same so called "friend" that attended my wedding (forgive me if I am wrong), he made an extremely insensitive and hurful comment that has still stayed with me. That, combined with reading your post Babu, I'm going to have to say "I'm with BP on this one".

Anonymous said...

I am not sure whats worse - the insensitive group email sent earlier on or your public write up in a situation where the other party is trying to reconcile.

If you were'nt interested in reconciling, which you would be entitled to given the volatile relationship, you should have let him know privately. If you are interested in reconciling on good terms then this is an incredibly thoughtless gesture on your part. If you are interested in reconciling after extracting a pound of flesh, then your latest blog is a public display of your childishness. If you are interested in merely extracting a pound of flesh, then, well, hearty congratulations on a job well done.

In the many years I have known you, this is easily the most disappointed I have been.


Anonymous said...

Babu, your original post was very much un-babu-like and not something I would associate with you at all; I admit I was surprised on reading it; I think you were very hurt and went through a lot of pain at what was supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions in your life to make you write you something like that. I do not believe for one minute that your intent in your original post was to be vindictive at all.