Saturday, March 04, 2006

Gentle Reader ..

Some notes to readers of this blog:
-- I would of course *very much* like to know who is reading the blog and what they think of it. So please leave a comment if you can, even if you don't have much to say.
--I would love to discuss anything on the blog (since I am interested in the stuff, that's why I wrote it!) so if you want to discuss or know more, I'd be happy to.
--Since I'm going to leave my well-paying job soon, I am experimenting with using Google ads on this site to see if it can make a little money. So do take a second look at the ads on the top of the page and click on any that might be interesting. So far the ads are not so interesting, but I was quite amused recently to see a link for "Philosophy" !! I followed it up and found ads for some very interesting sites including about a remarkable guy called Ken Wilber. So you might actually learn something from the ads !

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